Print Edition


Guidelines for Submissions

Renovatio publishes the work of scholars, theologians, and writers who examine timeless questions and today’s moral challenges by drawing from the enduring texts of revelatory faith traditions and current thinking from philosophy, theology, and ethics to history, politics, the social sciences, and beyond. We accept unsolicited queries and submissions, but please familiarize yourself with the information on this page and the articles on this website before you contact us.

Editorial Vision

Renovatio seeks harmony between scholarly rigor, and clarity and vitality in writing style. We publish articles preferably composed in a universal voice that is unencumbered by technical language and jargon, narrowly defined theses, or other stylistic limitations. We seek writers who are more constructive than critical in their approach, who explore and inspire new thinking, and who challenge what passes for conven­tional wisdom in the public discourse of our time. In effect, we desire a style of writing that can convey complex ideas and original thinking to both popular and academic audiences in the tradition of the public intellectual.

All articles published in Renovatio undergo an editorial process that may include requests for revisions and editing, aimed at ensuring they are readable and relevant to a broad audience. Feature Articles also undergo review by scholars.

What We Publish

Feature Articles: Long-form articles that allow writers to pursue sustained exploration or elaboration of com­plex topics. (4,000 to 6,000 words)

Essays: Shorter pieces that offer a more immediate and efficient form for writers to share their thinking about a single idea or question. (2,000 to 3,000 words)

Books: Essays inspired by reading one or more books related to a particular topic and that advance the writer’s own perspective on the topic. (1,500 to 2,500 words)

Text Messages: Reflections on brief selections from timeless texts, including scripture, literature, and philosophical works, that make connec­tions to contemporary ideas. (1,000 to 1,500 words)

Send Us a Query

We prefer queries rather than completed drafts. We are not seeking articles that have been previously published. In your query, please describe, in half a page or less, your argument or the questions you propose to explore with special attention to how your article relates scholarship to an issue of contemporary concern or is otherwise relevant to a broader audience. Also, send us a link to a your biography or include one in the query. You may also send us links to examples of your previous work.

Please send all queries to [email protected]; we cannot accept submissions by mail. Writers published in Renovatio receive an honorarium.
