Print Edition

Islamic Law and the Children of Adam

Many contemporary human rights can be grounded in laws originating from Islam’s insistence on universal brotherhood.


Islam as One Thing, Anything, or Nothing

Despite often impressive erudition and empathy, Western academics attempting to “conceptualize Islam” miss something significant.


What Pico Thought—and What It Wrought

Reflections on Pico della Mirandola’s “Oration on the Dignity of Man”


Audio Essays

We Are Not Our Brain

The authority of science in culture has reduced the human self to the brain, but if we relearn how the poets and philosophers of the past understood the self, we’ll see how we’ve regressed, not progressed.


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Peacemaking is a divine command, and guidance is the right of all humanity. We chose to illuminate these Qur’anic truths in our new print edition even as our world is riven by conflict and chaos—from Europe to the Middle East, from Kashmir to Kinshasa.


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Suffering and Character

Is it really the case that character can always be exercised—that moral choices can be made—under conditions of significant suffering?


Facts For Fictions

Does a fiction need to originate in, and rely on, a fact of reality? The answer seems to be: Yes.


The Importance of Being Earnest about Islamic Philosophy

Without grounding in traditional Islamic philosophy and metaphysics, Muslims risk jeopardizing a profound intellectual heritage that can contribute, on its own terms, to modern society.


What Walking Can Do For Our Souls

The significance of walking in the Islamic tradition, both as a prelude to and as a part of prayer, provides the ground on which to explore the riches of rootedness as a divinely endowed gift unto human beings.

When Technology Becomes Theology

If human beings are not special—not designed for some great purpose—but are merely a random species thrown up by the intrinsically meaningless process of evolution, then we’re seen as bodies that are limited and limiting and can be transcended through technology.


Pluralism in a Monoculture of Conformity

Despite the diversity of our countless creeds, colors, and cultures, our society has been subsumed into a monoculture of ersatz arts, entertainment, and consumerism. How can we recapture humanity’s once extraordinary individuality?


A Multi-Miraculous Verse of the Qur’an

The Rule of Law of Love, affirmed by the Qur’an, can resolve many of the questions that have bedeviled people and thinkers in the West and in Christianity to this day.


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“Saying Yes to Life in Spite of Everything”

Dignity serves both as a lynchpin for moral condemnations of suicide and euthanasia as well as a justification for medical assistance for dying. How can we clarify what dignity demands in relation to suicide?



Who Gets to Define Islam?

Do academics think they know more than practitioners?


The Impractical Gifts of an Intellectual Life

Philosopher Zena Hitz examines the pleasure and fulfillment that come from intellectual pursuits born out of our own self-directed curiosity


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The Morality in the Mysteries of Dorothy Sayers

When we read Dorothy Sayer’s detective fiction, we engage in a pastime that goes beyond entertainment or escape—we detect not just the crime, but our own humanity.


Images of the Unimaginable God

While the Abrahamic thinkers have always grappled with the question of idolatry, what’s lesser known is that Hindu traditions also abound with critics of attempts to re-present the divine through human forms.


In an age of transience, explore ideas that are timeless.

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